Who we are

Get Ready!! The first Cáñamo Cup is coming to California! As a leading figure in the cannabis community, Cáñamo Magazine is launching its California Digital Version to reach new and exciting territories along with Cáñamo Cannabis Cup.
With a history spanning 25 years in Spain, 12 years in Chile, 9 years in Mexico, and 7 years in Colombia, we have always been at the forefront of cannabis culture and advocacy. We are very passionate about this industry and eager to make a significant impact in California.
It's going to be epic!

After five years helding the cup, we are now expanding to California.
The inaugural Cáñamo Cup will take place in Los Angeles on February 20 to 29 2024.
We extend a warm invitation to all members of the cannabis industry to join us for this monumental event.
Cáñamo serves as the ideal bridge to the European Market, where USA strains have gained significant popularity in recent times.